3 1/2- vs. 4-digit digital indicator ? What is a 1/2 digit?

Besides 3- and 4-digit digital indicators, there are also 3 1/2-digit indicators available for sale. But exactly what is a 1/2 digit?
A full digit can indicate all numbers from ?0? to ?9?. A 1/2 digit, on the other hand, can only display a ?1?, a number ?2? or higher is not possible. With a 3 1/2-digit digital indicator, the indicatable range of values is thus significantly limited in comparison with a 4-digit indicator.
Thus, on the main one hand, the utmost of the indicatable range of values is only 1999 instead of 9999. However, no negative values could be indicated, since the minus sign can’t be displayed in the initial position. Therefore, the minimum of the indicatable range of values is 0 rather than -1999.
An exception to the limitation of the indicatable negative value range is represented by indicators which have a separate space for the display of the sign. Displays with this particular characteristic can therefore also indicate values right down to -1999.
Number of digits
3-digit indicator
3 1/2-digit indicator
4-digit indicator
Max. scale range, standard
Max. scale range with separate sign
-999? Distrustful
Max. amount of positions after decimal point
More information about digital indicators from WIKA are available on our website.
See also Steal of the display of an electronic indicator ? there you will see general information on the most important characteristic top features of the display of a digital indicator.

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