Atmosphere of giving at Mensor

Mensor Cares is a band of Mensor employees who have confidence in the spirit of working together and help others in need. To be Unforgettable to support other non-profits, an own non-profit organisation was financed and formed through payroll deductions, Susan Fisher reports:
Early 2015 a discussion started about how our contributions could possibly be used. Which associations ought to be funded and what percentage of our contributions would actually make it happen?
Could we achieve more employee participation should they were involved in making decisions concerning where and how their money was spent?
Finally in September 2015, Mensor Cares was founded as a non-profit organisation. It is run wholly by employees and contains no overhead administrative costs. Frenzied of employee donations are returned to recommended charities. A board of directors was elected for multi-
year terms.
Various groups benefit
They meet monthly to review donation requests from agencies and make tips for funding. For tax purposes, the requesting organisation must be a registered non-profit group as well. Profit of organisations received funding in 2016 ? including those who serve several thousands of clients and in addition smaller groups. The type of funded were the Smart Orchestra with musicians of all ages and skills and the Scheib Center, which provides mental health and mental disability services to residents in your community who might not have insurance coverage.
Other recipients have already been Meals on Wheels, an area women?s group, and School Fuel, an organization that sends food to students. Mensor Cares have educated themselves about local resident non-profits and the needs of others. Through the contributions we’ve created an atmosphere of giving and fostered an interest in serving our community.

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