High-accuracy moisture measurement in SF6 switchgear

Moisture measurement in SF6-insulated switchgear is essential. That?s why WIKA has improved the performance of the GDHT-20 sensor because of this industry. The transmitter, which also provides values for gas density, pressure and temperature, now measures the dew/frost point having an accuracy of �2 K.
Moisture, alongside density, is the crucial parameter for assessing the health of the SF6 gas used. The GDHT-20 continuously monitors its content in the gas. The information from the web monitoring forms the input for a downstream trend analysis. Awesome and the moisture measurement are, the more precise this analysis will undoubtedly be.
Predictive maintenance rather than regular maintenance intervals
The model GDHT-20 sensor is an all-in-one instrument for the web tabs on SF6-insulated switchgear. It works with three temperature sensors (red), a pressure sensor (blue) and a humidity sensor (yellow).
Spirited shows the operator when the SF6 will reach a crucial state and when remedial measures should be taken. Consequently, maintenance work or gas treatment is only undertaken when action is really needed. Predictive maintenance thus replaces the sequence of regular maintenance intervals that has been previously essential to avoid ecological and safety risks.
Too much moisture in the gas compartment is one of these brilliant risks. In older plants, moisture mainly increases because of permeation through sealing materials. In younger plant, this is usually a consequence of moisture remaining on metal surfaces or in insulation materials during tank assembly, because of incomplete evacuation before initial filling with SF6.
Excessive moisture content leads to corrosive reaction products that may damage internal components and shorten the service life. If such substances escape, there is yet another danger to people?s health.
SF6 moisture measurement parameters
Measurement of SF6 moisture is therefore indispensable. Normally, the dew or frost point is used as a parameter. This can be the temperature of which the air humidity begins to condense. In the case of SF6, the atmospheric dew point specified by IEC 60376 is -36 �C.
The accuracy of the GDHT-20 of �2 K for moisture measurement is validated at the frost point with an internationally valid reference standard. However, the measuring instrument can be configured for other parameters (dew point, ppmv, ppmw and relative humidity). The new version of the sensor also features greater application flexibility. The GDHT-20 is currently also ideal for density monitoring of the choice insulating gases N2, CF4, O2, CO2 and 3MTM NovecTM 4710.
More info on the GDHT-20 sensor are available on the WIKA website. In case you have any questions, your contact will gladly help you.
Also read our post
Responsible handling of sulphur hexafluoride
There are also out more about WIKA?s SF6 expertise in the next video:

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